
Abbie and Eveline were my grandmothers. I was blessed to spend time with one or the other of them nearly every day until the summer of my 7th year, when I moved away from the grandmothers who had played such a significant role in my life. I’m pretty sure that my love for genealogy and all things vintage is their fault.

This is my attempt to collect, share and preserve our family stories – some of which I missed hearing and telling around my grandmothers’ dinner tables. I am also hopeful that I might meet some new “cousins” and that we can share and learn from each other. And let’s be honest, sometimes I’ll just write about whatever I feel like!

I enjoy hearing from readers, relatives and new cousins, so please leave a comment or email me at abbieandeveline (at) gmail (dot) com.

Please note –

I am an amateur genealogist. I do this for fun and because I love my family. This is also my first foray into blogging. I may will make mistakes along the way. If you see a mistake here, please let me know in your kindest words. And please back up what you find here with your own research. I made a lot of mistakes when I first started researching my family and didn’t always document well or make a note of information sent to me. I’m trying to be much better, but I’m still learning.

Photographs and written material © Kathy Smith Morales. Do not use without my written permission. abbieandeveline at gmail dot com.

31 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello!
    I enjoyed this article very much! I am related to the Morales family also, as my great grandfather was the owner, Martin Morales. Can you tell me who authors this piece?
    I am interested in finding out more about my family.
    Thank you,
    Karen Letsos

  2. We have an old chest with the name “Ms Sarah E. Bryan Ft Valley Ga”. Just curious if it was yours or kin of you..

    • I doubt that this Sarah Bryan is related to me because she was never in Georgia. How nice of you to ask, though! I hope you find one of her descendants.

  3. In Regards to; John Yost and his wife, Barbara Silar, share a marker. Again – a verse near the bottom that I can’t read.( it is a hymm!) The name is “How Blest The Righteous When He Dies!” It reads:
    How blest the righteous when he dies!
    When sinks a weary soul to rest,
    How mildly beam the closing eyes,
    How gently heaves th’expiring breast!
    The second verse was changed a bit but it is this hymm.
    I hope this helps. I enjoyed trying to find it. The name John Yost brings me here. The one I was looking for is a counselor in Modesto,CA.

  4. Hi Kathy,

    Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you and hope you are doing okay. I’ve missed your posts. Take care and know that many people are praying for you. 🙂

    PS Sorry to post this here, but I couldn’t find an email address for you.

    • Thank you so much! I’m doing ok. I have neglected my blog and just decided I’d better pay a visit here and see what’s going on and if I have something I could post. And I never replied to your lat comment! 🙁 Although I did read it. I had chemo #4 on Monday, so I’m over half way through this part of treatment. You can email at abbieandeveline at gmail dot com. I haven’t been checking it much, but I will. 🙂 I think it shows up on the About page?

  5. I am not related to your lineage, but I believe I found a Release deed document I believe to be in relation to your family for a John M. Cooper and Nancy Cooper, the documents are from 1887 and are signed by Nancy Cooper.

  6. Just wanted you to know the Strange family from Oregon will keep you and your family in our prayers.When you are feeling up to talking .I would love to talk to you by phone about your Strange family line.We are cousins.E-mail me at above e-mail and I will send you my phone #. The Strange Family

  7. Saw your Bryan Bible info. Just recently found out that we are related to REBECCA BRYAN BOONE, wife of frontiersman DANIEL BOONE of Kentucky.

    Rebeccas grandfather is MORGAN BRYAN b1671-d1762
    MARTHA STROBE. b1678
    Rebeccas father.. JOSEPH B BRYAN. b 1739. d. 1813
    I think this is the same family as yours. Especially the use of HESTER in naming.
    If you send me a way I will send info on this line.
    I am 65 years old. Not too computer ” savvy” LOL


    • Hi Kay – I see that you found a way to contact me, so guess you are pretty “savvy” after all. 🙂 I saw your emails before this comment and just sent you a reply. Thank you for leaving a comment and the email links! It has been so long since I have looked farther back than my ancestors in the Bible, that I need to play catch-up! I may have some other things that would also be of interest to you. I’ll have to look.

  8. I stumbled across your site when I googled John Sylvester Strange, my great-great grandfather. His son, Francis Marion Strange died in 1879, 3 months before the birth of my grandfather, also named Francis Marion Strange. My grandfather and grandmother had one child, my mother, Rilla Strange Stewart. She did a lot of genealogy work, which I believe my sister has. I keep saying that someday, when I retire, I’m going to delve into our family history more. We’ll see. I’m a Presbyterian minister in Danville, KY. I remember Aunt Dora, and some of her children and grandchildren – Woody & Orville, Ersel and Laird, and Norman & Irene, but I’ve lost track of many our relatives on that side of the family. Good luck on your continued research.

    Jim Stewart

    • Hi Jim! I have heard your mother’s name. I think she wrote some family stories that were included in a family newsletter that Woodye’s and Orville’s daughters used to publish. We have lost all the members of the generation you mention, but I am in touch with their children. I’m afraid my family history research and blog have taken a back seat the past couple of years. I’m still dealing with the side effects chemo had on my brain and I just don’t seem to get it done. I’m really trying to get my act together! I hope you will keep in touch and begin to write your own family stories.

      • Hello Kathy,
        I just happened to come across your post on Pinterest. I have been sewing for years and have a lot fabric in my “stash”. I even have small pieces that I can patchwork together or use a crazy quilt technique. Thank you for this idea to help others and use up my stash. It is overrunning my storage availability!!!

  9. I came across your site while I was looking up how to make port pillows. I have a site were I sew for kids with any and all medical battles, for FREE. All the fabric and supplies are bought by sponsors and I sew everything with all my time donated. “I have a rare disease that keeps me home and in bed often and this is something I can still do”. I wanted to thank you for your post on how to make the port pillows! I am making up a bunch that are on their way to Boston in a few days!

    If you would like to check out my sewing site, https://www.facebook.com/sewingforacause/

    Thanks again,

  10. Hi, recently starting researching the family tree and your site has been so useful and really interesting to see the photos you have of my great great grandparents, Jane Ann Coates and Frederick Elgey, as well as Eleanor Richardson (great great great grandmother) and other members of the family – thank you!! 😊

    • Sophie! Thank you for leaving a comment. I’d love to exchange more information with you! I’ll try sending you an email. 🙂

  11. Hello. My name is Lois Walsh [nee Hoskins]. I came across your article while trying to find info on my grandparents. My grandfather’s name was Daniel Webster Hoskins and my grandmother’s name was Iva Myrtle Hoskins [nee Eakins]. Daniel was born May 23, 1867 at Ft. Madison, Iowa. I don’t know his father’s name. But when you mentioned Mystic, Iowa, I knew there had to be some connection, because I have heard of Mystic all of my life. But, I don’t know why! My father’s name was Fenton Kenneth Hoskins. He was one of eight children. If you have any info that might help me figure all of this out, I would appreciate it! I live in Platte City, Mo., just outside of KC. Thank you for your time and information! Lois Walsh

  12. Was JSS the founder of Lincoln KS? I’ve been looking into things and believe I am also related. I have relatives in Lincoln cemetery. I believe that one of his sons or near relatives was killed in an Indian attack. He escaped but passed away due to infection. My last name is Arnold and my grandmother was a Ramsey. My great grandparents would have been a Tohle or Tolle biuried in Roxbury KS. Anything you might know about them would be appreciated. I live in Wisconsin.

    • JSS was an early settler. He was the postmaster for several years as well as many other things. His son, James Harrison Strange, was killed by an arrow to the head during a raid. I don’t have any Tolle/Tohle in my tree (for now anyway). Who are your relatives in the Lincoln Cemetery? I don’t know if you checked the box to see comments to your comment. If I don’t see a reply from you here, I’ll try sending you an email in a couple of days – counting on my memory to remember to do it!

      Thanks for leaving a comment!

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