Ack! It’s Here Already: My 2nd Blogiversary

My first Rocking Chair

My first Rocking Chair

Oh no. I saw my 2nd Blogiverary recognized on my Facebook feed through Geneabloggers first thing this morning. I had nothing prepared. People would stop by. I hadn’t even submitted any info this year. I’d better get busy!

I looked for a picture of me when I was two years old. I look two in this one. It even seems appropriate, given what’s been up with me.

At this time last year a cancer diagnosis was no where on my radar. And certainly not a stem cell transplant. I’ve spent a lot of time this past year sitting and eating whatever tasted good to me. (See rocking chair and animal crackers.) I’m through the worst of it all, and I’ve even started cooking – just a little – the past couple of days. (See apron.) I’ve put my walking shoes back on (although not white leather high-tops) and I’m getting stronger every day. And just like the photo above, I still close my eyes when my picture is taken….

My blogging has certainly suffered this past year. Chemo brain and fatigue do not a good writer make. And when I did write, it was most often on my Caring Bridge page. I jumped from theme to theme, trying to find something my chemical brain would latch onto and follow through with – pretty much to no avail. I had to give up Sepia Saturday as I just couldn’t pull it off. I joined in on The Book of Me – and completed two of those. And much later I joined in on The Secret Life of Bloggers – for a while. Focus, you might say, has been an issue. I’ll be dealing with chemo brain and fatigue for a while, but I’m so much better now and I know I’ll get my blogging mojo back.

A lot of bloggers share stats from the previous year. I have none to share with you, but I’ll tell you that I get hits on My Big Tall Italian Wedding Cake nearly every day. Probably not exactly what the searchers were seeking….

If you are inclined to read some of my thoughts about cancer/treatment, readers seemed to enjoy The Power of Symbols. And readers of my Caring Bridge page gave me positive feedback on my post People Seem to Think I Have a Good Attitude.

I’ve got ideas floating around in this little chemo brain and they are trying hard to be released in a coherent form. And I have posts that I started but never finished that may make appearances. (I can post a Christmas story any time, right? Say in May?) And new cousins contacted me that I need to follow-up with. That is so exciting! I’ll get there too.

I get a little impatient these days. I’ve been through the fire and I’m ready to be back to some semblance of normal, but I have to remind myself that it takes time.

I already have a photo picked out for next year’s blogiversary, so hopefully I’ll prepare ahead of time and I won’t be writing something off the cuff the morning of. 🙂

Many many thanks to those of you who have stuck with me this past year!

8 thoughts on “Ack! It’s Here Already: My 2nd Blogiversary

  1. You are making great progress. Just don’t rush it too much and wear yourself out! Glad that you are getting back to your blog.

  2. Pay attention to what your sis says and don’t try to do tooo much tooo soon. I want to keep getting these messages that you are continuing to improve and feeling better.

  3. Happy second blogiversary, Kathy! What a delightful commentary for an off the cuff, “morning of” kind of post! And yeah, I can identify: though I try to fight it, I still close my eyes when my pic is taken, too.

  4. Dear Kathy,

    Happy 2nd blogging anniversary! You’ve been in my thoughts and prayers; I’m so glad to hear you’re doing much better now and have the worst behind you. I’ll share some helpful advice someone shared with me during my lengthy recover from surgery in 2006 – you only get one opportunity to heal right, so take your time and don’t over do it. Pace yourself and as you get well, your energy and stamina will return.

    Sorry I haven’t been in touch, personal family stuff has taken me offline. I’ll try to check in more often.

    Best wishes for a continued healthy recovery.
    Queen Bee
    (PS I didn’t realize your sister and I share the same name…mine is spelled with a “C”.

    • Hi Carla,
      I’ve been thinking of you and your family too. I look forward to hearing from you any time and seeing you blogging again one day. I’m taking care of myself. I have to push myself just a little because I’ve spent so much time not doing that it has become a way of life. 🙂

      All of us sisters are “K”s!

  5. Hi Kathy, Happy Blogiversary (a week late). I didn’t realize you were back to blogging until I saw a mention on Jacqi Stevens’ blog. So glad to hear you’re doing well. My second blogiversary came and went — totally forgot it. My stats are so pathetic that they wouldn’t make a good story, just make my blog look more pathetic. What might pass for a popular post is actually skewed by a built in audience at Sepia Saturday. Those posts always have higher numbers of visits and comments.

    • Just getting my toes wet again. I’m working on something now – hope I get it finished soon!
      Yes – those Sepia Saturday posts make it look like lots of people read my blog. But now there aren’t any of those either. Good thing we aren’t trying to make money at this!

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