I’ve wondered about a name for this new journaling plan.
The Week That Was
Monday Musings
Look Back Monday
Mirror Monday
Not sure what I will land on, but I haven’t decided and am open to suggestions.
In any case, I would love to have you join me! For now, just link your own blog journal post as a comment here so I can read yours and so can anyone else who comes for a visit. Or you can post yours on Facebook page or whatever makes you happy. There really aren’t any rules. You can just post a picture a day and maybe add a little text. Or just write a little summary of your week. Add a photo or two if you like. Just do it! Some of us research family history and we shouldn’t neglect ourselves. You don’t need to be as wordy as I seem to be! The plan is to post on Mondays.
Monday, August 15, 2022
* I have kept a bullet journal since I had terrible chemo brain about seven years ago. I’m much better now, but I find I still need to keep it going or I just don’t get things done. I stopped using the weekly chart I would make of daily tasks to do, and just made short daily lists along with brief journalling. You would think I would keep up with the ordinary tasks of life, but I don’t. So I put a chart back in the journal to get myself back on track. Day 1!
* R, who I teach English to a couple of times a week on zoom, is delightful. I love how she laughs at her mistakes.
* Practiced zoom stuff for ESL class – I always get a bit stressed, but it looks like what we want to do will work. Our plan is to offer concurrent zoom and in person classes beginning 9/19.
* Picked up 50 Get Out the Vote postcards to sign.
* First entry of this journal written and posted.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
* When I taught R today, she thought the concept of a mobile home was hilarious.
* Attended zoom discussion of Mediocre.
* T and I are slowly clearing out stuff. She uses Facebook Marketplace and I use the Buy Nothing group. Sold a wicker love seat we have had for many years! Why must I work puzzles from the closet before giving? I have to see if all the pieces are there, right?
* Thinking about our very hot and dry summer and the changes we have made to save the Texas electric grid. Will we continue to be diligent about turning off and unplugging nearly everything? Keeping the shades drawn to keep out the heat? Keeping the thermostat at 78?
A nearly bare tree in our yard and the “greenbelt” that has caused me to worry about wildfires.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022
* Posted more stuff to Buy Nothing.
* Hot!
* Finished audiobook of The Patriarch, a Bruno, Chief of Police book. And started the next one – Fatal Pursuit
Thursday, August 18, 2022
* ESL book group finished reading Holes. All enjoyed it. I’m trying to figure out how we can watch it together.
* Took a Thundercloud sub to Pastor Cathy and then I helped her finish signs for the Pride Parade. I knew I wouldn’t be attending, but I participated a little bit.

* I left the church and had to drive home in quite a downpour. We have not had measurable rain for 51 days, so it was very welcome, but a little scary to drive through. Tapered off a little after I got home and took this picture.

Friday, August 19, 2022
* ESL book group reading Mystery Ranch. Always enjoyable. One more week.
* Took my friend to lunch for her birthday. She is the one whose party I missed last week. We had a lot of catching up to do.
* Then a long talk with T about some things she is planning which would not be close to home. 🙁
* Lots of talk about travel swirling around me. Pastor Cathy is encouraging to go on the Civil Rights trip in October. She and I made the trip before the pandemic to test out her travel plan before opening it up to a group, but the group trip had to be been postponed until this fall. Also, M ate lunch with some of his cousins who want to take a trip to Sicily in May. Since the Whipple surgery, I don’t have an amenable gut in the morning, so if I want to travel, I’m going to have to see if there is anything I can do to improve the situation. Decided I’ll eliminate dairy for a few weeks and see if that helps. But not until Monday! I’ll finish the gelato in the fridge first!
* Received a notice from the HOA about this recycling bin – which included this image as proof. It’s a long story. The city took our bin without our knowledge, so we requested a new one, and we ended up with two. They are supposed to pick this up!
Saturday, August 20, 2022
My goal for the day was to finish a blog post for Sepia Saturday. I’m stuck. Gave up before dinner, worked on the next puzzle from the closet and watched some James Taylor on PBS. Nostalgia!
Sunday, August 21, 2022
I was up and dressed and ready to go to church – if I were going. I just watched on youtube. But – I’m working on breaking the slovenly Sunday habit.
Still trying to finish that blog post! I know I am making it too hard. I did a lot of research, but I don’t want to write a research paper! This is supposed to be fun and easy, but … still not done! Argh!
That’s it! Have a good week and I hope to read about yours!