Sepia Saturday provides bloggers with an opportunity to share their history through the medium of photographs. Historical photographs of any age or kind become the launchpad for explorations of family history, local history and social history in fact or fiction, poetry or prose, words or further images. If you want to play along, sign up to the link, try to visit as many of the other participants as possible, and have fun.

Five Girls On A Boat : Third Party Print (1920s)
Four little ones
One on a child-sized chair. Three on the ground.
Three are looking at the photographer’s helper,
who must be doing something to hold their attention.
But one has his attention on someone off to the side.
Who are these children?

Another copy provides names.
Billye Winston Larry Dorinda
Billye and Dorinda are sisters.
Winston and Larry are brothers.
The two sets of children are cousins.
They are all cousins of my father, Jerry Smith.
Here they are again.
The boys are in different places.
Dorinda is off to the side
and so is the attention of all the children.
I wonder if this photo was taken first, then Dorinda was moved in closer.
And someone made an extra effort to turn those eyes to the front.
What is written underneath Dorinda? I asked her:
One of my nicknames was Dindy. sometimes called Dindy Dimples, because I had double dimples. They don’t show in pictures though.
Billye is also a nickname.
Her given name is Wilda.
The year was 1939. The photo was taken in Iowa.
Those bare feet say “summertime.”
Another photo taken the same day.
Wilda must have been very fond of that chair.
Again, the better copy has no names, but they are provided on this one.

Myron – Mike Smith, my dad’s brother, son of Abbie
Father – M. D. Webber, my great-grandfather, father of my grandmother Abbie.
Billy – Wilda
Abbie – my grandmother
????? I cannot read what is written. The woman is my great-grandmother, Dorinda Strange Webber, Abbie’s mother. Abbie wrote Father to identify her father, but that doesn’t look like Mother or Dorinda.
Gerald, my father (Jerry), son of Abbie
Laird – Laird Addis, father of Winston and Larry
My dad and his brother Mike are dressed like the farm boys they were.
I don’t know the reason for the gathering that day in Iowa City,
but it looks as though it was a happy time.
This is my contribution to Sepia Saturday. Please visit other participants here.