Food on Friday – Fudge

I love this picture of my Grandmother Eveline Coates Hoskins. Mom said that this picture must have been taken when Eveline was attending Iowa State Teachers College in Cedar Falls, Iowa. I’m guessing that she and her friend, Alice Tingle (her future sister-in-law), made a batch of fudge and then took pictures of each other licking the pan. Alice was obviously the better photographer.

Grandma didn’t make fudge very often, but I do have one memory associated with her fudge. I lost my first tooth while “licking” the fudge pan Grandma had handed me – it came out right on the spoon.  What a great way to loose a tooth – in chocolate! Much better than string and a doorknob!

I don’t have Eveline’s fudge recipe, so I looked on the Internet for a recipe in use around 1918. Legend has it that fudge originated on the Vassar college campus. This from the Vassar College page titled “Vassar Myths and Legends”:

Vassar Student Invents Fudge

A Vassar student from the 1890s with a sweet tooth is rumored to have invented this chocolatey confection. The Office of Media Relations says this is a fable, while Historian Elizabeth Daniels avers it is the truth. The real truth probably lies in between these two answers–Emelyn Battersby Hartridge ’92 made fudge for the senior class auction, but attributed the recipe to a classmate’s cousin. Still, her letter discussing the auction is the first instance of documentation for the existence of this sweet treat.

Apparently, making fudge became very popular on the campuses of women’s colleges. I found a copy of Choice Recipes here:  Michigan State University Libraries. This pamphlet was published in 1913 by the makers of Bakers Chocolate and contains fudge recipes attributed to Vassar, Smith, and Wellesley colleges. 

My mom sometimes used the following recipe and we often make it at Christmas. It doesn’t have the texture of cooked fudge and needs to be refrigerated, but it is “mighty quick” and yummy!

Might Quick Perfect Fudge

2 lb. package confectioner’s sugar

1 cup cocoa
1 cup butter or margarine
½ cup milk
1 Tablespoon vanilla
1 ½ cup chopped nuts

Mix together the sugar and cocoa in large bowl.  Melt the butter and add to the milk and vanilla.  Mix all ingredients together a quickly as possible (including nuts).  Place into a greased 2-quart oblong dish.  Chill about 1 hour.  Yields about 60 one-inch pieces.

Ev e lin, Ev e leen, or Ev e lee nah?

My grandmother’s name was Eveline. I was sure of that. I was so sure that I gave my daughter the middle name Eveline. I pronounced it ev e lin.


I knew my grandmother’s name was spelled Eveline because that’s the way she always signed her name. I assumed this was an alternate spelling for Evelyn and was therefore pronounced ev-e-lin. Even though I lived in the same house with her as a small child, I missed hearing the distinction between ev-e-lin and ev-e-leen. It wasn’t that long ago that I learned of my mistake from my mom. As a little kid, the only pronunciation that mattered to me was gram-mah.

Copy of Eveline Coates birth certificate

The name on my grandmother’s birth certificate is Evalina. I had not seen this spelling before and thought it was a mistake. Her father’s last name is misspelled as Coats instead of Coates and her mother’s name is documented as Mary Anna instead of Mary Ann, so I chalked it up to error.

I later found a post card sent to Eveline from her older brother John in 1919 which suggests that the birth certificate is correct. John, however, did not dot the i so the spelling looks to be Evalena.

I received a copy of the record of births page from a Coates’ family Bible – this would surely settle the matter. After all, one of her parent’s probably wrote in the information and would have written her name as they intended it to be spelled.

And so we have one more spelling: Evelina (different from the EvaIina on the birth certificate) – but clearly with an a on the end. Well – except that it looks like someone went back over it and tried to change the a to an e.

I think my grandmother’s given name originally ended in a and that she later changed that last letter to e. I don’t know when or why, but she changed it by the time she was 16. There is a family story that my grandfather (her husband Thomas Hoskins) influenced her to change her name to Eveline because he liked it better. If this is true, his influence began several years before they were married.

Ev-e-LEEN   Ev-e-LEEN  Ev-e-LEEN  (just practicing)
* Can anyone fill in more details about Grandma’s name change?
* Transcription of birth certificate below:

Return of Births in the County of Appanoose
Name of child    Evalina
Sex                    F
Date of Birth      Feby 15 ”
Place of Birth     Mystic
Mother’s Full Maiden Name     Mary Anna Harris
Father’s Full Name     Joseph Coats
For the Year Ending   December 31, A. D. 1901
Dated    June 6, 1902

I hereby certify that the above Return of Birth is a correct transcript from the records in this office.
G. C. Elliott   Clerk District Court




Short Stack

Eveline Coates, Alice Tingle and Friends

I’ve been following Retronaut recently. You could describe it as an online gallery of old photographs, usually with some cultural or pop culture significance. Yesterday’s pictures reminded me of a photograph of my Grandma Eveline Coates Hoskins. The particular photos shared on Retronaut are taken from The Burns Archive, so you can view them there if you like. The Burns Archive calls stacking a “forgotten sport”.

The photo of Grandma and her friends is a “short stack” in comparison to the towering stack of people posing in the linked photographs. I can’t quite figure out how they did this. They appear to be over water. Is it a stack? Or is it just the point of view of the camera that makes it appear so? Was stacking for photos really a fad in the early 1900s?

I can’t identify everyone in this picture, but I know who the two leaning to the left are. Alice Tingle, Eveline’s friend and future sister-in-law, has dark hair and is 2nd from the bottom. Eveline is above her, leaning in the same direction.

Can you identify the other girls in this picture?