Here we are, stuck at home. At least I hope those of us who are “non-essential” are doing our duty to stay in and keep those who must be out as safe as possible. I fall into both the Over 60 and Immunocompromised groups, so I am staying home!
I have not been blogging and am having trouble getting back to it. I thought with some of my time freed up, it would happen. But no. I’ve spent a lot of time the past week learning about and practicing ZOOM, as I suspect many of you have. And too much news and time on social media.
So … as a back door into what I usually share here – family history stories and old photos, I thought I’d try a weekly photo journal of life during this stay-at-home pandemic. The idea is to post on Sundays and include one photo for each day of the week with some text. I may not limit myself to one photo because I have a hard time with rules like that. It seems a perfectly logical thing to do on a family history blog. This is certainly an historic time.
I’ve been taking photos of daily things for a couple of weeks now, so this first entry will cover more than one week, making it extra long. Sorry.
Week of March 8
3/8/2020 I started isolating early because I had a cold. Learning how to make scrumbles for freeform crochet.
Week of March 15
3/16 That new toy above – the hand held steamer? Turns out it has many uses, like cleaning grout. I spent several enjoyable hours cleaning grout on my kitchen island. See the difference? This is how I’m amusing myself.
3/18/2020 COVID-19 de-stress Puzzle #1 This was especially fun for me because the artist is a client of my daughter and she gave her the puzzle to give to me. The artist, Ginger Geyer, works in porcelain and those pies are not real although they look good enough to eat. I got to see her work displayed at the Neill-Cochran House Museum. I wanted to go back and spend more time with her art after doing a tour, but along came a virus and shut everything down. 🙁 I went on the Bus Tour with Shoebox Picnic in February. It was a really interesting way to spend a few hours.
3/19/2020 I’ve been wearing these during the time of physical distancing. Consider yourself hugged.
*Happy 45th Anniversary to us!
*1st grocery delivery
*Tried to host ZOOM meetings with mixed and then frustrating results
*Just when we were about to order take out anniversary dinner there was a downpour, so we ate leftovers
Week of March 22
* Sprung for “travel” size water purifier and tested our brains to set it up. Happy Anniversary to us and Mother Earth.
* Really enjoyed virtual church this morning! Wonderful way to stay connected, find a place of peace, and be challenged.
* Better ZOOM experience today. Had a “meeting” with a friend and former ESL student. She and her husband are on their boat in a marina on the Canary Islands. I successfully shared a pdf with her and we both drew on the whiteboard!
* Had our anniversary dinner a day late. Takeout from Hencho en Mexico.
* I’ve been so impressed by so many of my friends sewing protective masks/mask covers. I have not participated. I was coughing quite a bit yesterday, no sewing for me until I have no cough. I think yesterday was allergies combined with “old” cold.
* Pretty much successfully hosted a ZOOM coffee and chat time with a few ESL students. I goofed up something at first and had to send a 2nd invitation, then we did ok.
* watched more ZOOM tutorials
* Caught up on this week’s reading for book discussion of White Fragility on Wednesday.
* Someone brightened up the walk to the mailboxes.
* Snails. So.many.snails.
* Made spinach soup and deviled eggs. Soup just ok. I may not make it again, but couldn’t let all that spinach go to waste.
* Really warm day.
* Feeling bored this evening for some reason.
Also 3/24: Labs at TX Oncology. Sticker shows I passed inspection to enter. Wore my “Did I wake up in a dystopian novel?” pin for my outing. Not the usual experience. Nearly empty waiting room since no one is allowed to accompany patients. A part-time nurse who worked in the building on 3/13 tested positive for the virus, so the building was shut down yesterday for a deep cleaning. Scary for cancer patients!
3/25/2020 Photo from my backyard in the afternoon.
Wore my special shirt for ZOOM Book Club. Unfortunately, only another teacher and I attended, but it helped our learning curve anyway. Finally using my sun blocking hat for walks.
Also 3/26/2020
Louisiana iris (I think) in front bed.
3/27/2020 One in bloom. The promise of more to come.
* Enjoying bearded irises. Two in the back yard; one in the front
* puzzle progress
* Martin ordered me a supply of my favorite tea. Six boxes. I’m set!