I am trying a weekly photo journal of my life during this stay-at-home pandemic. The idea is to post on Sundays and include one photo for each day of the week with some text. I may not limit myself to one photo because I have a hard time with rules like that. It seems a perfectly logical thing to do on a family history blog. This is certainly an historic time.
My journal entries primarily come from my Facebook posts and notes I have jotted in my bullet journal.
Sunday 5/17
* Zoom church – took notes again.
* Read this as I was preparing for ESL Book Club: “Good picture books are portable art galleries.” ~ Phillip Nel, from his piece “A Manifesto for Children’s Literature; or, Reading Harold as a Teenager”
* Ironed fabric for masks.
Monday 5/18
* ESL Book Club – Paul Bunyan. It was a little long and difficult in our time frame, but still enjoyable and good discussion.
* Also, I messed up some of the links for book and discussion questions and it was confusing and I had to sort things out in a hurry this morning. Plus the exterminator showed up unexpectedly, setting off the dogs, battery in my mouse died, and one of the new students had lots of background noise and I couldn’t get him to mute. I was worn out by the time it was over.
* Cathy B. and I discussed the need to add a lower level class as we go forward. Talked to Pastor Cathy to get my head wrapped around the need to work on the assumption that we will be doing things online for a long time – that this is no longer temporary crisis mode.
* Really hot day.
* Started another puzzle.
* Zoom meeting with UMW Circle sisters.
Tuesday 5/19
* Met R (asylum seeker) and her friend and roommate on Zoom. Seem like such nice young women.
* A blue flamingo on today’s walk.
Wednesday 5/20
* Day 90 of piano challenge.
* Made chocolate banana bread.
* Long phone conversation with Dad and sister. This almost created a grocery disaster because I was sitting outside and didn’t hear the doorbell. Meanwhile, husband was working upstairs and assumed I was taking care of it. I thought to look just in time – gelato only a little soft. Whew!
* No photos from walk or of banana bread, but I did try a new Chinese recipe.
Thursday 5/21
* Read that you shouldn’t leave hand sanitizer in a hot car. Could cause a fire. Sure is hot here.
* Tump wants churches open. So glad our church leadership wants to protect us and not contribute to unnecessary illness and potential deaths.
* Soup with kale
Friday 5/22
* I was tired today. Mostly did family research in old newspapers and worked on puzzle.
* A couple of finds: Fairfield, IA influenza quarantine. A $500 fine in 1918 would be a big chunk of money.
Good news/bad news at the intersection of flu epidemic and war. No church services, but you will be trusted to buy sugar – on your honor not to use it extravagantly.
* I enjoy this lighted window every time I walk by. It has changed from white to red, white, and blue for the holiday.
Saturday 5/23
* Got our veggie box. Has a green I’ve never heard of – mizuna.
* Made pasta with red pepper, chard and bok choy leaves.
* More research for family history.
* Friend in Rhode Island called me out of the blue. Such a nice surprise.
* Trump says governors must open churches.
Wear a mask; keep your distance; stay safe!